Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Want Some Crackers to go wth that Whine?

Trying to squeeze in writing time is proving to be a most difficult task lately. I thought that when the child went off to college I would have so much time on my hands I would be looking for things to do!

Bob's birthday is today, and his present is late. I bought him a candy bar (no lie!). I worked on labels and signs for the fish swap table and he took a much needed nap.

Shannon (aka A.J. Foyt-of-the-Lead-Foot-Got-Her-First-Speeding-Ticket-Shannon) has traffic court on Friday.  I have to pick her up from school Thursday afternoon so she can plead her case in front of a judge Friday morning, so I had to take off work on Friday for that.

Murder and Mayhem in Muskego writer's workshop is this week. Friday afternoon/evening is reserved for that ( sure hope no one asks what I've written lately...)

I have been working every night making plants for the swap on Sunday (see, the Cleveland, Ohio cichlid show, and the Chicago swap December 6th.

I have a meeting tomorrow with WIMGA (Wisconsin Master Gardeners Association) I am the local representative to the state association (that is, if I get home soon enough after I run up to get Shan).

I work Saturday. Pack fish and truck Saturday night.

Bob and I have a fish swap in DuPage County, Illinois on Sunday. The banner I ordered came in so we need to get to Home Depot between now and then for materials to make a stand.

Which brings us to Monday, work, and two meetings afterward.

Tuesday, more work, facilitate a Master Gardener class afterward.

This brings us full circle to next Wednesday, where I can sleep in until 6 a.m. and then begin to pack for the Cleveland convention.....

Maybe I can write between the hours of 2 & 4 am......

....forget the crackers, I'm done whining.

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