Monday, November 30, 2009

New Website!

 Remember this website address, as there will be a pop quiz on this material later. It's new, nothng fancy, but it's MINE! It took me forever to figure out how to do it, and it is still not perfect, but what the heck? I'm not either.

Check it out, and tell me what you think. I included a little about the Miller sisters, a little more about my background, author events, and how to contact me.

In other news, the beautiful Annie Chernow (Chicagoland Sisters in Crime), hooked me up with Sisters in Crime Wisconsin, and now I am a part of their group. What a great group of people! Not that I'm abandoning Chicagoland group, but I am very happy to have met the Wisconsin group, and I look forward to being involved with them as well.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

From Bad to "WORSE", or Mrs Murphy Rides Again!

Good thing I have an outlet to vent (unfortunately for you!) or I would be running away screaming.

"Never tempt worse," said the great George Carlin waaay back when we were both young(er), so I will never admit under threat of death that more than once this past week I said aloud, "Could anything worse happen?" Because believe me folks, it can, and did!

Actually whether things went from bad to worse this weekend, I'm not quite sure, because what I personally think happened was that old Mrs. Murphy stepped in and anything that could have gone wrong, did.

"Mrs. Who?" you might ask. I am speaking about Mrs. Murphy of the infamous "Murphy's Law" Murphy. I have always thought of Herself as a she, have you not? After all, it would explain a lot about how Murphy's Law works if one thinks of her as a woman and not a man. Let me explain:

She is one of exceptional intelligence, she is totally cunning, has an evil sense of humor, and....wait a minute! That's my sister, not Mrs. Murphy! I should rather have said, Mrs. Murphy has the most impeccable timing at the worst (oops! don't tempt "worse"!) possible moment of your life; that throw-the-monkey-wrench-in-any-well-planned-fail-safe-event-in-your-life(even-if you're not Irish)-then-laugh-like heck-while you suffer and fumble around...(*sigh*) That's Mrs. Murphy!

The story? Well now, I didn't feel so hot Thursday evening, but retrieved Shan from school as scheduled-kind of. Traffic was particularly heavy, and people must have been counting the flocks of Canada Geese flying overhead while still driving 70 mph on the southbound express way than they did actual driving. I ended up running way behind schedule. Watching the clock took a backseat to being sick, and I missed the Master Gardener meeting because Mrs. Murphy was holding my head and chuckling as I tried to remember what must have poisoned me earlier that day.

Shan and I did make court the following morning-actually we have a very cool thng in Wisconsn called the "Court Officer", to whom you can tell your tale of woe before your appointed court date. He has the power to lower the fine or take the points off your license-which Shan opted to do-but I digress-Shan drove home, and I hung my head out the window, day dreaming about Pepto Bismol and a warm bed.

I slept the rest of Friday, but felt better that evening so Bob and I made it to Murder and Mayhem in Muskego. I met some great readers, writers and authors, but Mrs. Murphy must have poured the wine, because I running for the ladies room before I could swallow, and we left very early.

I'll spare you all the gory details, but as I sit here writing on Sunday evening, I am still queasy (I called Mom and she caught this bug too) and I am going to bed early, because tomorrow is an other work week, and I really don't want to throw up on the bad guys.

Our most wonderful friends Tom and Holly took Shannon back to school tonight (many thanks) and Chloe (Super Chloe, the Wonderdog) and I are hitting the sack. If I were to tempt "worse," Chloe and Bob would probably catch the same bug, so I will refrain from even thinking the "W" word.

So good night all, and yo, Mrs Murphy-go haunt someone else this week, okay?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Want Some Crackers to go wth that Whine?

Trying to squeeze in writing time is proving to be a most difficult task lately. I thought that when the child went off to college I would have so much time on my hands I would be looking for things to do!

Bob's birthday is today, and his present is late. I bought him a candy bar (no lie!). I worked on labels and signs for the fish swap table and he took a much needed nap.

Shannon (aka A.J. Foyt-of-the-Lead-Foot-Got-Her-First-Speeding-Ticket-Shannon) has traffic court on Friday.  I have to pick her up from school Thursday afternoon so she can plead her case in front of a judge Friday morning, so I had to take off work on Friday for that.

Murder and Mayhem in Muskego writer's workshop is this week. Friday afternoon/evening is reserved for that ( sure hope no one asks what I've written lately...)

I have been working every night making plants for the swap on Sunday (see, the Cleveland, Ohio cichlid show, and the Chicago swap December 6th.

I have a meeting tomorrow with WIMGA (Wisconsin Master Gardeners Association) I am the local representative to the state association (that is, if I get home soon enough after I run up to get Shan).

I work Saturday. Pack fish and truck Saturday night.

Bob and I have a fish swap in DuPage County, Illinois on Sunday. The banner I ordered came in so we need to get to Home Depot between now and then for materials to make a stand.

Which brings us to Monday, work, and two meetings afterward.

Tuesday, more work, facilitate a Master Gardener class afterward.

This brings us full circle to next Wednesday, where I can sleep in until 6 a.m. and then begin to pack for the Cleveland convention.....

Maybe I can write between the hours of 2 & 4 am......

....forget the crackers, I'm done whining.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

It Was A Dark And Stormy Night....

Trick or Treat!

'Tis the time of year when mystery writers feel right at home in the world. A Full moon, a chill in the air, naked trees silently reaching their skeletal fingers toward the unsuspecting children who walk beneath the encroaching shadows...I can almost feel the ideas swirling around in the grey mists of my mind.

 Sparkling little Cinderellas, green faced witches, pumpkins, ghouls and black cats swarm the neighborhoods lugging sacks of treats that weigh more than they do.....

Yo--stop the music! I must have a heck of an imagnation because the truth is I only had three hard core Trick or Treaters because it was 39 degrees outside with a thirty mile an hour wind!  The three kids that came were in the back of a mini van. They pulled up the the end of my driveway, stopped, the side door rolled open and a black cat, a fairy and I honestly don't recall the other one came running up  the drive, loaded the loot, ran back to the warm van and took off to the next house!

Talk about hard core Trick or Treaters.....

Kids my daughter grew up with are gathered in my messy livingroom, checking their costumes and trading scars and eye patches. The smell of grease paint permeates the air as Tom is painting his face white but Shan is going for the chartreuse-adds a healthy glowto her witch's pallor.

Vic thought he would escape realitively unscathed until I brought out the Lunch Lady from Hell, and the new cool teeth we found at Walgreens.

I heard a screech coming from the bathroom only to find that Amber had crammed herself into that little white dress...again! Good job Amber!