Sunday, October 25, 2009

What a Day!

Today was a chapter in life that is going to end up in a book-it has to! I'm writing it up this evening. Bob and I were at a fish swap (yes, a-NOTHER fish swap!) in Chicago today, and the people we met were a wonderful study in social-psycho behavior. Some were more social, but many were more psycho I think.

On the "Very Wonderful" list is Lisa Nietfeldt and her very polite young man from Manteno, Jan and Jon Miller from Dekalb, Chris Nuth from the Lake County Area, The "Boys in Charge" at the GCCA, and the family with the marble angels-those boys are the best!  You guys made my day.

The very few nasty people need not be mentionedhere. Ever agan, but they couldn't wreck my entre day. We persevered and had a wonderful day!  It's gong to end up in a book....Which reminds me, I need to get to work.......

Monday, October 5, 2009


It's so cool to see you guys following my blog. Let me know what you are thinking, if you write, if you would like to write, or anything else you might want to chat about.

Hey-My husband Bob and I decided to hop in the car and do a short road trip. We went to Kentucky to pick up some fish from a very nice Discus breeder. These Discus are beautiful. We came home with three dozen babies and two breeding pairs.

It was a lot of driving through never ending construction barricades, but we also were able to stop and see friends of ours in southern Indiana. We even dragged Jeff along for the ride to Kentucky!

Bob and Jeff-Two Great Fish Guys

We had a great time with fantastic people, and I have some really beautiful fish which I hope will be spawning real soon!